Page name: i heart emo boys [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-12 21:36:47
Last author: Juliah x3
Owner: Broken_Musician
# of watchers: 5
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I Heart Emo Boys!!

my name is Rosie [Broken_Musician]
this is a wiki page dedicated to the Emo boys,
oh the hottness, luv em.. YAY!
oh yes.. emo boys = teh sex... lol.. gotta luv em..

Sponcered by:[Juliah x3]Owner of...

Hawt emo Guys♥

**Pictures by:**[Juliah x3]

To become a member,click here-->I ♥ Emo boys members

















































yeh yeh yeh, i heart emo boys

yes.. oh yes.. this teh sex

Kisschasy.. emo boys
Yes Yes.. Emo Boys Are Hott!!

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2005-11-17 [Broken_Musician]: Oh yess, emo boys = teh sex... i love them

2005-11-17 [Stephykins]: EMO BOYS!!!

2005-11-18 [CountingTheStars]: lol nice wiki rosie lol :D

2005-11-18 [Broken_Musician]: thank ya Spencer

2005-11-18 [pin cushion queen]: YUM!!!!!!

2005-11-18 [dark_maige]: much yummy yum yum

2005-11-18 [Broken_Musician]: ooh ooh.. yes yes yes

2005-11-18 [Broken_Musician]: ooh ooh.. yes.. much much yummy.. gotta luv emm...

2005-11-19 [dark_maige]: verrrrrrrrrrrry much

2005-11-22 [Dying Fetus]: This page sucks cock!

2005-11-23 [dark_maige]: yeah well thats the point pion dexter

2005-11-23 [dark_maige]: ifr you like this page go to guys kissing guys@wiki

2005-11-24 [Broken_Musician]: ok

2005-11-24 [Broken_Musician]: awesome site.. emo guys making out!!!

2005-11-24 [dark_maige]: lovely yummi yum yum

2005-11-29 [♥Lex;;™]: yeppp mmm mmm good!!!

2005-11-30 [dark_maige]: any of you gone to boys kissing boys@wiki?

2005-11-30 [Broken_Musician]: yes.. yes i have.. it is the SHIT!!! Add yourself please people if you like Emo BOyS!! I know i do so thus the reason i made this wiki page

2005-11-30 [dark_maige]: i like the moving one at the start page

2005-12-01 [♥Lex;;™]: i am a member there lol!!! lol me 2!

2005-12-01 [Broken_Musician]: haha.. thats cool.. hey people... i wanna get heaps of people to join this site.. so tell everyone about it.. Post the wiki page in your house... Put Banners up!! Come on people.. lets get our numbers up

2005-12-01 [♥Lex;;™]: lol SWEET!!

2005-12-01 [dark_maige]: yay numbers

2005-12-01 [dark_maige]: will do eventually

2005-12-01 [♥Lex;;™]: hahaha!!

2005-12-01 [Broken_Musician]: yay.. thank you all.. i love you people

2005-12-01 [♥Lex;;™]: i love u to BM lol... (mwahh) lol

2005-12-01 [dark_maige]: i wuv you to

2005-12-01 [♥Lex;;™]: lol nice!

2005-12-01 [dark_maige]: what?

2005-12-02 [dark_maige]: yes

2005-12-02 [Broken_Musician]: yep.. emo are the sex

2005-12-02 [acura fangsul]: why is it so much fun too see guys kissing?

2005-12-04 [dark_maige]: because it is the hottest thing

2005-12-08 [Broken_Musician]: I KNOW!!!!!!!!!! OMG

2005-12-08 [♥Lex;;™]: lol.... haahaha nice!!

2005-12-09 [dark_maige]: yay nice huzzah

2005-12-10 [Juliah x3]: ill give you pics of emo guys kissin' if you'll put my emo guy wiki page in ur wiki.

2005-12-11 [dark_maige]: yay do it yay more sex guys huzzah

2005-12-12 [Broken_Musician]: Yeah.. sure not a prob...

2005-12-12 [r0xi]: i fucking hate the new talk "i heart...." its so fucking gay.. id rather say i love emo boys.. and its true i do.. but "i heart..." fuck that pisses me off... grrr

2005-12-12 [Barb1e]: yes r0xi, i agree with you.

2005-12-12 [Juliah x3]: Is that betta??

2005-12-13 [dark_maige]: ok ok ok calmdown lets breathe

2005-12-14 [Broken_Musician]: thanks for the new pics.. very much appreciated

2005-12-14 [arthur.]: this is the gayest thing ever...i dont know not one "emo" guy that kisses other guys

2005-12-14 [Broken_Musician]: i do.. haha.. I KNOW HEAPS OF THEM!

2005-12-14 [Juliah x3]: You are very welcome.

2005-12-15 [r0xi]: lol i no some as well!! so hottttttt

2005-12-16 [Broken_Musician]: I LOVE IT!

2005-12-19 [dark_maige]: i love it but in country no one here gaaaay

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